Closet Decluttering
On this website, you will find numerous pages and articles about purging/decluttering/cleansing. I’m extremely passionate about it. I am a (reforming) shopaholic and have learned the hard way the importance of being selective about what I’m spending my money on.
In the past, I made impulse purchases regularly and bought something because it was cute, or I just wanted to have it in my closet. This erratic way of shopping has made the decluttering process absolutely overwhelming. This way of shopping also is very expensive and quickly fills up your closet with trendy and “like-it not love-it” pieces.
I have been selling my clothes for the past year, and thought I was finally done pulling from my closet, until I took a closer look. I started trying on my fall boots and realized half my fall shoes weren’t comfortable. A few are still within the return timeline, and they will be going back. The others will be up on the second hand economy. I will include photos of the items below to inspire you. I truly believe decluttering should be done in stages, and you need to do multiple rounds of decluttering.
I had two pairs of snakeskin boots, and neither of them fit me properly. Within five minutes of wearing them, my feet were aching. All my mid-range shoes will have to find a new home and when I find the perfect pair, I will welcome a well-made pair of boots to my wardrobe.
Just when you think you are done decluttering, step back into your closet, and take a second glance (or try on.)